December 19, 2013


Milica Jovanovic, actriz que interpretó a Christine Daaé en los ocho conciertos de Love Never Dies que se celebraron en Viena del 18 al 26 de octubre (x), accedió amablemente a contestar nuestra entrevista con todas vuestras preguntas. Le agradecemos muchísimo su tiempo y amabilidad, ¡aquí van las preguntas!

¿Conocías el musical? ¿Viste alguna representación en Londres o su grabación australiana
Conocía el musical porque formé parte de un proyecto con Sir Webber cuando éste estaba acabando su trabajo con Love Never Dies. Así que ya sabía lo espléndido que era.

Fuiste la primera Chrsitine en cantar las canciones en alemán, ¿basaste tu técnica en alguna de las originales? Si es así, ¿trabajaste a través de Sierra Boggess (Londres), Anna O'Byrne (Australia) o Louise Fribo (Dinamarca)
Intenté desenvolupar mi Christine con mi propia voz. O'Byrne, Boggess y Fribo son geniales, pero tuve que hacerlo a mi modo.

¿Cual fue tu canción favorita a interpretar? 
Love Never Dies. Es mágica.

¿Tu canción favorita non-Christine
Cuando el Fantasma canta "Till I Hear You Sing". Es mi canción favorita.

¿Cómo fue poder conocer a Andrew Lloyd Webber
Alucinante. Él es mi héroe y fue muy agradable, incluso tímido. Pero estaba tan nerviosa que fui incapaz de decir una sola frase bien. Así que, por favor, ¡no preguntes sobre nuestra conversación!

¿Experiencias positivas con el elenco
Fue un privilegio trabajar con el elenco. Drew [Sarich] fue especialmente encantador.

Si pudieras ser cualquier personaje del musical, hombre o mujer, ¿cuál te gustaría interpretar? 
El Fantasma. Grandes canciones, gran interpretación.

¿Supuso un gran esfuerzo meterte en el papel de Christine Daaé

Los conciertos en Viena fueron todo un evento, ¿cómo fue la experiencia? 
Creo que han sido las mejores actuaciones de mi carrera. Fue un sueño hecho realidad.

¿Te ves interpretando a Christine en una futura producción alemana? 
Me encantaría, por supuesto, pero eso está más allá de mi voluntad.

¿Hacia dónde se dirigirá ahora tu carrera artística
Hacia arriba, espero. En serio, ya se verá. Me alegro por cada canción que se me permite cantar e intento dar lo mejor de mí en cada momento. Vamos a ver.*

Milica dijo esta parte en castellano!

Muchísimas gracias a Milica y a los grandes conciertos que nos ofreció, ¡esperamos más en el futuro!

Love Never Dies Es

December 18, 2013


Milica Jovanovic, the actress who played Christine Daaé in the eight Love Never Dies concerts that were celebrated in Vienna between October 18th and 26th  (x), kindly agreed to answer a few questions from us! We highly appreciate her time and her kindness. Here we go with the questions!

Did you already know the musical? Did you see any previous production, in London or Australia?
I knew the musical because I took part in a workshop with Sir Webber when he was finishing his work on Love Never Dies in London. So, I knew how splendid the musical is.

You were the first Christine who sung the lyrics in German, did you base your acting or singing in any of the previous actresses who took the role? If so, was it in Sierra Boggess (London), Anna O'Byrne (Australia) or Louise Fribo (Denmark)?
I tried to develop my own Christine with my own voice. O'Byrne, Bogges and Fribo are great but I had to do it my way.

Which one was your favorite song to play?
Love Never Dies. It is magical.

And your non-Christine favorite scene?
When the Phantom sings "Till I Hear You Sing". That is my favourite song.

How it was the experience to meet Andrew Lloyd Webber?
Awesome. He is my hero, and he was so nice and even bashful. But I was so nervous that I was unable to say a straight sentence. So, please do not ask about our conversation.

Positive experiences with the cast?
It was a privilege to work with this cast. Drew was especially lovely.

If you could be any other character, male or female, which one would you choose to play?
The Phantom, great songs, great act.

Was it a great effort to get into the character of Christine Daaé?

These concerts in Vienna were a big event, how it was the experience?
I think it could have been the best show of my entire career. It was a dream come true.

Do you see yourself playing Christine in the future, maybe in a new German production?
I would love to, of course, but that lies beyond my will.

Towards where will be directed your career now?
Up, I hope. Seriously, we will see. I am glad for every song I am allowed to sing, and I try to give my best in that very moment. Vamos a ver.*

*We'll see!

A huge thank you to Milica and the great concerts she offered to us. We will be waiting for more in the future! 

Love Never Dies Es

November 09, 2013


The first Love Never Dies video has been released! There are no pictures of the show yet, but both Phantoms, in costumes, introduce us the production premiere at the Nissay Theatre, in Japan.
Besides, the musical website has been updated, take a look!

October 30, 2013


¿Do you remember Love Never Dies website? Now we bring you this other one, frequently updated with news from the Japanesse production. The most remarkable info is the premiere date: March 12th, 2014.

We've found too this youtube channel with some videos of this new production. We shared the first picture in the last post, so here are the first videos. Each one shows one of the actors playing the main roles in their costume tests, which were photographed to do the musical's promotion.

October 29, 2013


Vienna's concert might have ended, but the new Japanese production has just started! We bring you the first picture of the new production, with double-cast. I'd like to say that we'll try to bring you most of the news as we can, as the alphabetic difference makes us difficult to do our searches. We'll do our best!


Yasmín nos preguntó vía facebook si sabíamos dónde podía encontrar la letra alemana de Love Never Dies (interpretada por Milica Jovanovic) traducida al español. Pues bien ¡la conseguimos! En esta página encontramos una traducción al inglés y desde allí nosotras nos hemos encargado de traducirla a castellano. El resultado sería algo así: (leer más para ver la letra original alemana y la traducción inglesa).

¿Quién sabe de dónde viene el amor?
¿Quién sabe como empieza?

De repente está allí, antes de que uno pueda notarlo.

Te roba el corazón, se filtra en tu alma.

Te toma por sorpresa y de repente perteneces a él.

No te defiendas

Su poder es demasiado grande
Cuando el amor se apodera de ti
Nunca te dejará ir.
El amor nunca muere
El amor no se desvanece
Tu promesa lo hace verdadero
Pase lo que pase
El amor no se marchará
Los corazones se rompen
Pero el amor permanece allí
Cuando te rindes a él
Desesperadamente con cada parte de ti
No habrá nada en el mundo
Que sea como solía ser
Te hiere terriblemente
Te permite ser feliz,
te inunda y te da vida.
El amor te trae dolor
Y el amor te trae felicidad
Ambos podrán desparecer,
pero el amor permanecerá.
El amor nunca muere
El amor no se desvanece
Los corazones se rompen
Pero el amor permanece allí
El amor nunca muere
El amor no se desvanece
Donde sea que te lleve la vida,
pase lo que pase,
El amor existirá para siempre.
La vida huye, el amor permanece.
La vida huye, el amor permanece.

October 20, 2013


Two of the eight Vienna's concerts have already been held now at Ronacher's Theatre and we bring you today pictures of the event! There was a second video with brief cast interviews and concert scenes, but the website that held the video no longer works, so I leave you these awesome pictures instead. Check our facebook page or flickr to watch all the concerts' pictures, it's worth it!

October 19, 2013


FUENTES: 1, 2, 3

We have read so many good reviews so far! The first Vienna concert that was held yesterday at Ronacher Theatre. There's no much info right now, but the official facebook page has gifted us with these pictures. You can watch them too on our facebook page or flickr

October 18, 2013


Today will be held the first Love Never Dies concert at Viena! As a gift to the fans, the first pictures of the production and a fantastic video with some rehearsals for those eight concerts. We can hear for the first time Beneath a Moonless Sky and Look With Your Heart. From our humble blog we wish the entire cast and team good luck. And we're waiting for more pics and vids to come!

September 23, 2013



We give you the main cast for Love Never Dies new Japanese production! As we reported yesterday the shows will begin on March 12th, 2014 and, as far, will play until April 27th on Nissay Theatre, Japan. To read all the info we've put together so far... ¡check this link!
The Phantom, Masachika Ichimura / Takeshi Kaga 
Christine, Mequmi Hamada / Ayaka Hirahira 
Raoul, Mario Tashiro / Keita Tachibana 
Meg Giry, Mao Ayabuki / Rena Sasamotot 
Madame Giry, Ran Ohtori / Tatsuki Kouju 

September 22, 2013


Frenetic evening after reading such wonderful news. Love Never Dies starts over again, and we're not talking about the Vienna concerts at Ronacher Theatre (read all about it here!) but with a new production that will be premiered... in Japan!

The production, according to the official website, will start on March 12th and, so far, will be played unitl April 27th, 2014. This new production will be based upon the Australian one, but on Nissay Theatre this time. You can read info or watch picture of the new theatre here. Both the official website and the official blog have already announced the main cast. Most of the characters has not one but two main actors. One of the new Christine's is Ayaka Hirahara, who went at the Love Never Dies premiere in London back when it premiered for the first time and had worked with Webber, as she included the main song Love Never Dies in her album. You can hear her singing the theme here. More news related to the new production (in Japanese) here: 123.

September 08, 2013


The TV show Guten Abend Wien (Good morning Vienna) shared a report about the press conference that was held in Vienna two day ago, on September 6th. The vid is the whole day program, so I suggest to go straight to the 16th minute, where everything Love Never Dies related begins.

September 06, 2013


The Phantom, Drew Sarich
Christine, Milica Jovanovic
Raoul, Julian Looman

Meg Giry, Barbara Obermeier
Madame Giry, Maya Hakvoort
Gustave, Leonid Sushon

Gangle, Armin Kahl
Fleck, Katja Berg
Squelch, Peter Kratochvil

We give you the main cast for the new Love Never Dies concerts! They will be held in Vienna on October 18th-26th, stay tuned for more news! You can all the info we've collected about it here.

May 29, 2013



That's right! Love Never Dies will come to the Austrian city as a concert, with the libretto songs translated to German. The concerts will be held between October 18th to October 26th, 2013 at Ronacher Theatre, Vienna. To give you an idea of what the concert will look like, a few months ago was held in the same theatre a similar concert for The Phantom of the Opera. So far we only know who's the actor that's going to play The Phantom/Mr.Y, and he's Drew Sarich. These news have been published in ThatMusical, a German website about musical events that posted the news after a press conference hosted by the same theatre. In MusicalVienna, you can also find a post about it. It's in German, but don't worry, it's quite the same!

TICKETS: 5 - 89 €
RESERVA Y COMPRA: +43 1 588 85 //

Viernes, 18 Oct 2013, 19:30h.
Sábado, 19 Oct 2013, 19:30h.
Domingo, 20 Oct 2013, 18:00h.
Martes, 22 Oct 2013, 18:30h.
Miércoles, 23 Oct 2013, 19:30h.
Jueves, 24 Oct 2013, 19:30h.
Viernes, 25 Oct 2013, 19:30h.
Sábado, 26 Oct 2013, 19:30h.

¡Así es! Love Never Dies llegará a la ciudad austriaca en forma de concierto, con las canciones del libretto traducidas en alemán. Los conciertos se celebrarán del 18 al 26 de Octubre de 2013 en el Teatro Ronacher de Viena. Para que os hagáis una idea de como será el concierto, hace poco se celebró en el mismo teatro de Viena un concierto similar de El Fantasma de la Ópera. De momento, sólo se conoce el actor que interpretará a Mr.Y, Drew Sarich. La noticia ha sido publicada en la página web ThatMusical, página alemana de eventos musicales que recaudó la información de una conferencia de prensa que organizó el mismo teatro. En MusicalVienna, también podéis encontrar la noticia. Está en el alemán, pero no os preocupéis, es más de lo mismo.

April 22, 2013


Love Never Dies played its last show yesterday at Det Ny TeatreDenmark. It's a shame that the production has ended so soon, but here I give you this fantastic video I found. On it we can see some new scenes for this production and some cast interviews.

Besides, Katharina Englisch, faithful follower of the musical, has written to us this wonderful text reviewing how was the experience of watching, hearing and feeling the Denmark musical, not just once but six times!
Now it´s over - Love Never Dies ended in Copenhagen :(. It was a phantasic production. A new version with some parts of London and Australia but in a different way. I´ve seen the show 6 times and I loved every minute. I had all the time Louise Fribo as Christine. She was her, her singing was pure and clear. She gave me the feeling of her Christine 10 years before. Phantasic in every way! Tomas Ambt Kofod and Bo Kristian Jensen were my Erik´s. Both are great. Tomas is a brilliant actor! Bo gave me many wonderful moments too. One special night something the end of act I, a kiss. It happend so tender and lovely. It was wonderful. The whole cast including Christian Berg as Raoul, Camille Catherine Rommedahl as Meg, Martin Loft as Gangle and so on...were so amazing. High level cast as I say. I love the passion and love in the version, it´s clear Erik loves Christine and she loves him in return. The version is/was more familiar and personal. The end is much more tragic, Christine´s cry at the end when Gustave leaves her and Tomas had so a sad cry when Christine died. It breaks my heart every time. Beneath a Moonless Sky, Once upon another time...are so moving. They touched so much. They wanted to be near. Devil take the hindmost was brilliant and I love to see Erik and Raoul played cards. The scene was typical for men. Louise as Christine made the title song so wonderful, so moving and it was a gold version of the song. She gave her soul. She was alive again. Really alive. All what she has missed over the years came out. The connection, the passion, the love.....for him. So wonderful!

April 01, 2013


Tomas Ambt Kofod y Louise Fribo, Love Never Dies Dinamarca

Love Never Dies has being such a success in Denmark! Many people have travelled to the country just to see the musical and the theatre has filled sits day after day, but the end of the theatre season is here and the theatre has chosen not to renew Love Never Dies so other productions can be played on the next season. Love Never Dies will end its performances on April 21st in Copenhague so, if you live any closer... you got 21 days to seize the opportunity and go and see it!

March 19, 2013


"Love Never Dies, love will continue..." That was the beginning of one of our last posts,
where we wrote that loved never dies and it should continue. Well... now we can announce that it will! Yesterday came out a post about the possibility of Love Never Dies returning to a London theatre at late 2013 or 2014 and today just came out news about a possible Love Never Dies Tour on UNITED KINGDOM, on earlier 2014. After this tour, if it goes well, the musical will be premiered again in the West End! You can read the whole post here.
"David Ian y Michael Harrison, productores de la producción de El Guardaespaldas en el West End (actualmente en Adelphi Theatre), planean la puesta en escena de una nueva producción de Love Never Dies de Andrew Lloyd Webber a principios de 2014. Ian reveló a que un TOUR extenso empezará a finales de Febrero de 2014, habiendo reservado de 75 a 80 semanas con el propósito del retorno del musical al West End si todo sucede positivamente. Ian también habló esperanzado de llevar el musical a otros países como Norte América y a los territorios del Este. El Tour se basará en la producción australiana que se estrenó en 2011 en Melbourne. Aún no estan disponibles las fechas o el elenco." 

March 18, 2013


¡That's right! We just saw this report on Broadway World about Love Never Dies being brought again to London, according to Andrew Lloyd Webber, this rerun is being planned for late 2013 or earlier 2014. At last in London again!

Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose many musicals include the long-running THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, has announced further plans for its sequel LOVE NEVER DIES. Lloyd Webber tells What's On Stage that he plans to bring the Australian version of LOVE NEVER DIES back to London "later this year or early next".

During the recording of an ITV special celebrating his 40-year career last night (17 March 2013), the composer revealed he is hoping to bring the show back either "later this year or early next".

March 17, 2013


Love Never Dies,
love will continue...

And in fact, it will. But the question is when? The Danish production of Love Never Dies has received all in all good reviews, the audience is astounded and dazzled by the rework and many of them affirm that it surpasses in different aspects the previous West End and Australian productions. Even some interviews with the crew and other country's sources announced that tourism in Denmark had increased since the opening of the musical last October.

This season ends soon and the theatre where it has been representing so far the musical in Copenhagen, the Det Ny Teatre, has decided to open the production of another work for the new season that begins next September and therefore, will not renew Love Never Dies.

If you have the opportunity to watch the musical in Denmark but haven't yet, don't wait any longer! This is the moment to watch it and to enjoy this magnificent event since April will be the last month the musical will be performed. Det Ny Teatre began to perform Love Never Dies on October 24th, (2012) and will make his last performance on April 21st (2013), having spent a total of six months filling seats in the theatre. Now we have to wait for a new country that sees the potential of the musical, to hold it once again.

So, if we learnt anything thanks to this musical, it is that love, in fact, never dies.

January 24, 2013


100 000 tickets sold, Det Ny Teatre (Danish theatre where Love Never Dies is being held) proudly announces how the musical has approached this season the largest theater audience. Congrats!!